
What are the latest Track Explorer upgrades?

List your song to be streamed, find new fans and receive helpful feedback with our Track Explorer!

Since the release of the Track Explorer, we’ve been very happy with the results that it delivers to our Artist Pro community. It has triggered many saves, streams and the tens of thousands snippets of useful feedback have been shared. However, there are some key aspects we wanted to improve. 

The big idea for the Track Explorer is that it can act as a community editorial page. Through the feedback system, we want to give the spotlight to artists who are receiving lots of love while also making it easier to find new tracks and artists! For this, we’re introducing a new filter system which will allow our community to navigate and find tracks they love, even more easily. 

We’re also redesigning a couple aspects of this feature. The Track Explorer homepage will undergo a makeover, while the way that you review feedback on your dashboard will be new and improved!

The biggest update to the Track Explorer is the new report functionality. On its initial launch, we had feedback that some users were either leaving spam feedback, or in very niche cases, abusive feedback. With this new reporting tool you can report this feedback and from there, we will review the cases and ban specific users from accessing the tool if necessary. 

You can see a full list of updates below:

  • Brand new reporting function for spam and abusive feedback

  • New filtering to enable music discovery

  • Design update to the Track Explorer page

  • Design update for reviewing feedback

If you want access to benefits of the Track Explorer, click the link below to turn Artist Pro!