
3 ways to promote your song independently

New Music Release? Here we gather some fundamental tips to promote your music!

Finally your song is released. After days and nights of designing your perfect sound, now everybody can hear your track on music platforms. You might be asking yourself: And now what? How do I get my new song heard? To help out, we have curated three basic but fundamental actions to take after you release a song.

Stay active on social media

Nowadays it seems almost an obligation for any artist to be active on social media, predominantly Instagram and Tiktok. These video centric platforms are a magnificent tool to get your music to new audiences. But by “staying active” we don’t only mean the most basic promotion assets; such as stories, behind the scenes, live versions, milestones, etc. that you can share with your audience. We are also talking about the underlying and most important aspect of social media, which is building a community.

Keeping active on social media means not just posting content, but engaging and communicating with fans and the earliest supporters: reply to comments, ask them about feedback individually, use the DM function. Comment on similar artists posts with genuine interest to reach music fans outside your current community. Onboarding fans one by one is a long term investment, that done correctly will enhance your digital presence and have an impact on your songs’ performance - on the socials and the streaming service. 

An additional digital marketing tool that is very important to build a community is D2F (Direct to Fan) communication. D2F communication includes mailing lists, newsletters subscriptions, message groups with fans, contests and any innovative way you think to engage your most dedicated fans. A really valuable advantage of D2F communication is that you get the chance to gather data about your most engaged fans, giving you the opportunity to create fans profiles and more precise segmentation.

Perform your music live

As important as digital presence, real life presence is vital in an artist’s career. Since music is a social experience, you will learn a lot from performing your songs live in front of an audience and seeing how they react. It is important to include your new release in your setlist, even demo versions, to get more people to hear it and get direct and unfiltered feedback. If someone likes your live performance, they are more likely to follow, like and support you in the digital world. 

Submit to independent curators 

Submitting to independent playlists and curators is another vital part of amplifying the reach of your new release. It is important to listen carefully to the playlists, to ensure that they match the style and essence of your song. Matching currently raises the chance of a successful submission immensely and not matching right is usually the most common mistake. Successfully landing tracks on playlists opens the door to an audience that has a higher chance of engaging with your art since it fits the spirit of a playlist / genre / style they already like. This improves the chance of converting listeners into followers, that will keep an eye on your next releases, and long term into your fans.

DailyPlaylists offers two different tiers: the free marketplace that operates on standard credits, and the premium tier that operates on premium credits. 

On our free marketplace artists can submit their tracks to diverse playlists for free - we give free Standard credits to our users every week. This free marketplace is the perfect place for artists and curators to start learning about playlist campaigns and music curation! You will find a wide variety of playlists in terms of maturity and development.

On the other end, the premium tier operates on premium credits that need to be purchased, as it only hosts rigorously selected curators with active playlists. To submit to those premium curators you must buy premium credits, but here you will get either a placement or guaranteed feedback. In case that you don’t get a response from a premium curator within 7 days, your credit will be refunded. 

If you use all of your free credits, you may also buy more standard credits for the marketplace, or Premium credits to submit for the premium tier and get guaranteed feedback.

Are you ready to make your new release heard? Follow our tips and submit to DailyPlaylists!