
Why Pre Saves are important!

Learn here what Spotify pre-saves are, why they're important and how to make the most of them on DailyPlaylists.

Pre-save campaigns have been a key aspect of digital release campaigns for many years now. They have grown in importance as fan retention and direct to fan interactions have increased. The reason they are so important can be split into two sections; pre-release and day of release:


During the pre-release campaign, having a call to action for your fans to engage and pre-save your release gives artists the opportunity to build up excitement, data and engagement before the song is even released. Fans know that a song is coming and the call to action makes it more valuable than a single mail sent out. 

⁠Day of the Release

Pre-saves are extremely important when it comes to the day of release.

When your release hits your fans library, it will not only count as a save, but it will appear in your fans release radar! This creates a lot of day 1 engagement: Your song appears in your fans libraries automatically and becomes “top of mind” -  Spotify’s algorithm seeks and rewards first day engagement with better exposure. ⁠

Including pre-saves on your playlist gate also has massive benefits: Assuming your release fits into your own playlists, artists who are submitting to your playlist will most likely be a potential fan of your music, as in theory, their music should fit your playlist! Having pre-saves on playlist gates can expose your new release to similar artists and importantly, new fans!