
What is DailyPlaylists?

Want to know more about DailyPlaylists? Learn about our vision, why we do what we do and how our platform works!

Coming from different backgrounds but all with music in their hearts, the DailyPlaylists’ team builds music curation software and intelligence. We believe music and music curation adds a fundamental part to human development - by discovering new cultures, genres, artists and languages over music. We support and power curators and music brands, and help artists connect with these curators.

DailyPlaylists is a curator centric platform that enables artists to market their music, and helps curators to grow their audiences. Users can submit music to independent playlist curators, create contests to engage their fanbase and leverage the community to get feedback and insights on their tracks. Curators are able to market their reach and will be given tools in the near future to strengthen and grow their brand. 

DailyPlaylists offers two different tiers: the free tier, a marketplace that operates on standard credits, and a premium tier, that operates on premium credits. 

On our free tier artists can submit their music to various playlists for free. We grant our users free Standard credits weekly, so they can start to submit and learn how to set up playlist campaigns! As the marketplace connects both artists and curators, it allows them to learn about campaigns and curation, you will find a variety of playlists at different stages of maturity and development.

On the other end the premium tier operates on premium credits that need to be purchased, as it only hosts vetted curators with active playlists. To submit to those premium curators, you need to redeem your premium credits, but here you will get a placement or guaranteed feedback. In case that you don’t get a response from a premium curator within 7 days, your credit will be refunded. 

If all your free credits are used up, you can also buy more standard credits for the marketplace, or Premium credits to submit for the premium tier and get guaranteed feedback.

If you want to start promoting your music on DailyPlaylists, the first step is to sign up:

  1. Connect your Spotify account (we work with Spotify’s public API so the process is safe and easy). 

  2. Search the track you want to promote on our Spotify browser (or paste the link)

  3. Once you’ve selected your track, you can decide to submit to standard playlists or Premium playlists. Finally, send your song to the playlists and curators you think are a good match.

Now that you know more about us and our vision, go try DailyPlaylists! 

Connect your music. Submit For Playlisting. Expand Your Audience. Make Yourself Heard.